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Soooo precious! On my must-make-time-for list are iscreexe and friends. I almost talked myself out of signing up for the current session of yoga classes (too much going on, too much to do, yada yada) but then I didn't. Very glad I'm back in class.
I haven't had much love for the taste of those drinks, even htuogh I do believe they can help you feel better. We always started drinking them the second we felt a cold coming on and then we never really got sick. I think the best thing I've found is some candy that one of the companies make out of their health juices. They're a little chewy, purple candy that actually tastes pretty good.

A lap 2012. április 2., 18:14-kori változata

I haven't had much love for the taste of those drinks, even htuogh I do believe they can help you feel better. We always started drinking them the second we felt a cold coming on and then we never really got sick. I think the best thing I've found is some candy that one of the companies make out of their health juices. They're a little chewy, purple candy that actually tastes pretty good.

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