1. sor: |
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− | *Időszaki kiadványok
| + | God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to fgiure this out. |
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− | 1. Blondel, J. Urrutia: ‘Algunas proyecciones del folklore y etnología musicales de Chile’.
| + | |
− | In : RMC, no.79. 1962. 95–107. p.
| + | |
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− | 2. Grebe, M. E. : ‘Modality in Spanish Renaissance Vihuela Music and Archaic Chilean Folksongs: a Comparative Study’. In : EthM, xi. 1967. 326–42. p.
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− | 3. Grebe, M. E. : ‘Clasificación de instrumentos musicales’.
| + | |
− | In : RMC, no.113–14. 1971. 18–34. p.
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− | 4. Grebe, M. E.: ‘Instrumentos musicales precolombinos de Chile’.
| + | |
− | In : RMC, no.128. 1974. 5–55. p.
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− | 5. Grebe, M.E. : ‘Anthropología de la música: nuevas orientaciones y aportes teóricas en la investigación musical’. In : RMC, no.153–4. 1981. 52–74. p.
| + | |
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− | 6. Iribarren, J. : ‘Estudio preliminar sobre los instrumentos musicales autoctonos en el area norte de Chile’. In : Rehue, no.2. 1969. 91–109. p.
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− | 7. Iribarren, J. : ‘Instrumentos musicales del norte chico chileno’.
| + | |
− | In : Publicaciones del Museo Arqueológico de La Serena, Boletín, xiv. 1971. 7–43. p.
| + | |
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− | 8. Isamitt, C. : ‘Un instrumento araucano: la trutruca’.
| + | |
− | In : Boletín latino-americano de música. iv. 1935. 43–6. p.
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− | 9. Isamitt, C. : ‘Los instrumentos araucanos’.
| + | |
− | In : Boletín latino-americano de música, iv. 1938. 305–12. p.
| + | |
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− | 10. Isamitt, C.: ‘La danza entre los arauncanos’
| + | |
− | In : Boletín latino-americano de música, v. 1941. 601–5. p.
| + | |
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− | 11. Soublette, L.G. : ‘Formas musicales básicas del folklore chileno’.
| + | |
− | In : ,RMC, no.79. 1962. 49–59. p.
| + | |
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− | 12. Vega, C. : ‘Música folklórica de Chile’. In : RMC, no.68. 1959. 3–32. p.
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− | *Könyvek:
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− | 1. Campbell, Ramón : La herencia musical de Rapanui. Santiago. 1971. Editorial Andrés Bello.
| + | |
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− | 2. Claro, Valdés Samuel & Blondel, Jorge Urrutia : Historia de la música en Chile. Santiago. 1973. Editorial Orbe.
| + | |
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− | 3. Grebe, M. E.: La estructura musical del verso folklórico. diss., U. of Chile. 1965.
| + | |
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− | 4. Grebe, M. E. : The Chilean Verso: a Study in Musical Archaism. Los Angeles. 1967.
| + | |
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− | 5. Grebe, M. E. : Generative Models, Symbolic Structures and Acculturation in the Music of the Aymara of Tarapacá, Chile. diss. Queen's U. of Belfast. 1980.
| + | |
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− | 6. Harcourt, R. d’: La musique des Incas et ses survivances. Paris. 1925. Librairie Orientaliste Paul Geuthner.
| + | |
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− | 7. Harcourt, R. d’: La musique des Aymara sur les hauts plateaux boliviens. Paris.1959.
| + | |
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− | 8. Izikowitz, Karl Gustav : Musical and other sound instruments of the South American Indians.
| + | |
− | Wakefield. 1970. S. R. Publishers.
| + | |
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− | 9. Ortega, J. E. Perez: Música folklorica y popular infantil chilena. Valparaíso. 1980.
| + | |
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− | 10. Salas, E. Pereira: Los origenes del arte musical en Chile. Santiago. 1941.
| + | |
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− | 11. Vega, Carlos : Los instrumentos musicales aborigenes y criollos de la Argentina. Buenos Aires. 1946.
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− | [[Kategória:Latin-Amerika]]
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God help me, I put aside a whole afternoon to fgiure this out.