Difference between revisions of "Válogatott irodalom a török zenéhez"
(Új oldal, tartalma: „*Könyvek: 1. Andrews, Walter G. : Poetry's voice, society's song: Ottoman lyric poetry. Seattle. 1985. University of Washington Press. 2. Bartók, Béla : Turkish folk …”) |
A lap jelenlegi, 2011. október 19., 10:43-kori változata
- Könyvek:
1. Andrews, Walter G. : Poetry's voice, society's song: Ottoman lyric poetry. Seattle. 1985. University of Washington Press.
2. Bartók, Béla : Turkish folk music from Asia Minor. Princeton. 1976. Princeton University Press.
3. Feldman, Walter : Music of the Ottoman Court: makam, composition and the early Ottoman instrumental repertoire. Berlin. 1996.
4. Reinhard, Kurt : Türkische Musik. Berlin. 1962.
5. Reinhard, K. and U. : Musik der Türkei. Wilhelmshaven. 1986.
6. Wright, Owen : Demetrius Cantemir: the collection of notations. Ashgate. 2000.
- Időszaki kiadványok:
1. Feldman, Walter : ‘Cultural Authority and Authenticity in the Turkish Repertoire’. In : AsM, xxii/1. 1990–91. 73–111. p.
2. Markoff, I. : ‘The Role of Expressive Culture in the Demystification of a Secret Sect of Islam: the Case of the Alevis of Turkey’. In : World of Music, xxviii/3. 1986. pg. 42–56