Válogatott bibliográfia India zenéjéhez

A lap korábbi változatát látod, amilyen Csampai (vitalap | szerkesztései) 2012. március 2., 15:12-kor történt szerkesztése után volt.

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1. Babiracki, C. : ‘Music and the History of Tribe-Caste Interaction in Chotanagpur’. In : Ethnomusicology and modern music history. ed. Blum, Stephen, Bohlman, Philip Vilas and Neuman, Daniel M. Urbana. 1991. University of Illinois Press. The British Library katalógusa

2. Capwell, Charles : The music of the Bauls of Bengal. Kent, OH. 1986. Kent State University Press. The British Library katalógusa

3. Erdman, J. : Patrons and Performers in Rajasthan. New Delhi. 1985.

4. Freed, Ruth S. and Stanley A. : Rites of passage in Shanti Nagar. New York. 1980. American Museum of Natural History. The British Library katalógusa

5. Gaston, Anne-Marie : Krishna’s musicians : musicians and music making in the temples of Nathdvara, Rajasthan. New Delhi. 1997. Manohar. The British Library katalógusa

6. Gold, Ann Grodzins : A carnival of parting : the tales of King Bharthari and King Gopi Chand as sung and told by Madhu Natisar Nath of Ghatiyali, Rajasthan. Berkeley. 1992. University of California Press. The British Library katalógusa

7. Hansen, K. : ‘Written Traditions of a Folk Form: Nautanki Chapbooks’. In : India Magazine. January. 1986.

8. Henry, Edward O. : Chant the names of God : musical culture in Bhojpuri-speaking India. San Diego. 1988. San Diego State University. The British Library katalógusa Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár Katalógusa

9. Kothari, K. : ‘Performers, Gods, and Heroes in the Oral Epics of Rajasthan’. In : Oral epics in India. ed. Blackburn, Stuart H., Beck, Brenda E. F. Berkeley. 1989. University of California Press. The British Library katalógusa

10. Kothari, K. : ‘Musicians for the People: the Maṅganiyārs of Western Rajasthan’.

11. Manuel, Peter Lamarche : Cassette culture : popular music and technology in North India. Chicago. 1993. University of Chicago Press. The British Library katalógusa

12. Qureshi, Regula Burckhardt : Sufi music of India and Pakistan : sound, context and meaning in Qawwali. Oxford. 2006. Oxford University Press. The British Library katalógusa

13. Raheja, Gloria Goodwin and Gold, Ann Grodzins : Listen to the heron’s words: reimagining gender and kinship in North India. Berkeley. 1994. University of California Press. The British Library katalógusa

14. Ray, Sukumar : Folk-music of eastern India : with special reference to Bengal. Shimla. 1988. Indian Institute of Advanced Study. The British Library katalógusa

16. Smith, John D. : The epic of Pābūjī : a study, transcription and translation. Cambridge. 1991. Cambridge University Press. The British Library katalógusa

17. Verma, Vijay : The living music of Rajasthan. New Delhi. 1987. Office of the Registrar General, India. The British Library katalógusa

  • Disszertációk

Slawek, S. : Kīrtan : a Study of the Sonic Manifestations of the Divine in the Popular Hindu Culture of Benares. diss. U. of Illinois. 1986.

  • Időszaki kiadványok

1. Booth, G. : ‘Brass Bands: Tradition, Change and the Mass Media in Indian Wedding Music’. In : EthM, xxxiv. 1990. 245–62. p.

2. Catlin, A. R. : ‘Whither the Manganihars? an Investigation into Change among Professional Musicians in Western Rajasthan’. In : Bulletin of the Institute of Traditional Cultures. Madras. 1977. University of Madras. 165–78. p. The British Library katalógusa

3. Henry, E. : ‘Social Structure and Music: Correlating Musical Genres and Social Categories in Bhojpuri-Speaking India’. In : International Review of the Aesthetics and Sociology of Music, xix. 1988. pg. 217–27

4. Henry, E. : ‘Jogīs and Nirgun Bhajans in Bhojpuri-Speaking India: Intra-Genre Heterogeneity, Adaptation and Functional Shift’. In : EthM, xxxv. 1991. pg. 221–42

5. Henry, E.: ‘The Vitality of the Nirgun Bhajan: Sampling the Contemporary Tradition’. In : Bhakti religion in North India : community identity and political action. ed. Lorenzen, David N. Albany, NY. 1995. State University of New York Press. pg. 231–50 The British Library katalógusa

6. Jairazbhoy, N. A. : ‘Music in Western Rajasthan: Stability and Change’. In : YIFMC, ix. 1977. pg. 50–66

7. Junghare, I. : ‘Songs of the Mahars: an Untouchable Caste of Maharashtra, India’. In : EthM, xxvii. 1983. pg. 71–96

8. Kothari, K. : ‘Rural-Urban Transitions’. In : IMSCR XII. Berkeley. 1977. pg. 595–603 9. Manuel, P. : ‘Syncretism and Adaptation in Rasiya: a Braj Folksong Genre’. In : Journal of Vaisnava Studies, iii. 1994. pg. 33–60

10. Marcus, S. : ‘The Rise of a Folk Music Genre: Birahā’. In : Culture and Power in Benares: Community, Performance and Environment, 1800-1980. ed. S. Freitag. Berkeley. 1989.

11. Marcus, S. : ‘Parody Generated Texts: the Process of Composition in Birahā, a North Indian Folk Music Genre’. In : AsM, xxvi. 1995. 95–147. p.

12. Petigrew, J. : ‘Songs of the Sikh Resistance Movement’. In : AsM, xxiii. 1991. 85–118. p.

13. Tewari, L. : ‘Sohar: Childbirth Songs of Joy’. In : Asian Folklore Studies, xlvii. 1988. 257–76. p.

14. Thompson, G. : ‘The Barots of Gujarati-Speaking Western India: Musicianship and Caste Identity’. In : AsM, xxiv. 1992. 1–17. p.

15. Thompson, G. : ‘The Cārans of Gujarat: Caste Identity, Music and Cultural Change’. In : EthM, xxxv. 1992. 381–91. p.

16. Thompson, G. : ‘What’s in a Ḍhāl? Evidence of Rāga-Like Approaches in a Gujarati Musical Tradition’. In : EthM, xxxix. 1995. 417–32. p.

17. Vatuk, Ved Prakash and Sylvia : ‘The Ethnography of Sang, a North Indian Folk Opera’. In : Studies in Indian folk traditions. New Delhi. 1979. 15–37. p. The British Library katalógusa

18. Wade, B. : ‘Songs of Traditional Wedding Ceremonies in North India’. In : YIFMC, iv .1972. pg. 57–65

19. Wadley, S. : ‘Dhola: a North Indian Folk Genre’. In : Asian Folklore Studies, xlii. 1983. pg. 3–26

  • Hangfelvételek

1. Famous Indian ragas. A compilation of Indian folk music. (220634 355) CD 1.: Raga ahir bhairav : classical flute: Raga ahir bhairav ; Raga mishra bhairavi CD 2.: Raga bilaskhani todi : classical sitar: Raga bilaskhani todi ; Raga mishra pilu ; Raga bhairavi Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár Katalógusa CD 3.: Raga hemavati : classical flute CD 4.: Raga basant mukhari : santoor: Raga basant mukhari ; Dhun pahari

2. Musique classique de l'Inde. Paris, 1995, Buda. (82459-2)

Adivāsī zene

Babiracki, C. : ‘Tribal Music in the Study of Great and Little Traditions of Indian Music’. In : Comparative musicology and anthropology of music : essays on the history of ethnomusicology. ed. Nettl, Bruno and Bohlman, Philip. Chicago. 1991. University of Chicago Press. The British Library katalógusa

Bhūriyā, Mahipāla : Folk-songs of the Bhils. Indore. 1979. Mahipal Publications. The British Library katalógusa

Prasad, Onkar : Santal music : a study in pattern and process of cultural persistence. New Delhi. 1985. Inter-India. The British Library katalógusa

  • Ének

1. Ahmad, Aziz : Studies in Islamic Culture in the Indian environment. Delhi. 1999. Oxford University Press The British Library katalógusa

2. Gonda, Jan : Vedic literature : Saṃhitās and Brāhmaṇas. Wiesbaden. 1975. Harrassowitz. The British Library katalógusa

3. Howard, Wayne : Sāmavedic chant. New Haven, CT. 1977. Yale University Press. The British Library katalógusa

4. Howard, Wayne : Veda recitation in Vārānasī. Delhi. 1986. Motilal Banarsidass. The British Library katalógusa

5. Howard, Wayne : The decipherment of the Sāmavedic notation of the Jaiminīyas. Helsinki. 1988. Finnish Oriental Society. The British Library katalógusa

6. Staal, Johan Frederik : Nambudiri Veda Recitation. The Hague. 1961. Mouton & Co. The British Library katalógusa

7. Staal, Frits : Agni, the Vedic ritual of the fire altar. Berkeley. 1983. Asian Humanities Press. The British Library katalógusa

8. Tarlekar, Ganesh Hari : The Sāman chants: a review of research. Baroda. 1985. Indian Musicological Society. The British Library katalógusa

9. Thite, Ganesh Umakant : Music in the Vedas: its magico-religious significance. Delhi. 1997. Sharada Pub. House. The British Library katalógusa

  • Rága

1. Bake, Arnold Adriaan : Bydrage tot de kennis der voor-indische muziek. Paris. 1930. Paul Geuthner. The British Library katalógusa

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4. Daniélou, Alain : The rága-s of Northern Indian music. London. 1968. Barrie & Rockliff the Cresset Press. The British Library katalógusa

5. Gangoly, Ordhendra Coomar : Rāgas and Rāginīs. Bombay. 1948. Nalanda Publications. The British Library katalógusa

6. Jairazbhoy, Nazir Ali : The rāgs of North Indian music: their structure and evolution. London. 1971. Faber and Faber Ltd. The British Library katalógusa

7. Jones, W. : ‘On the Musical Modes of the Hindoos’. In : S. Gupta, Music of India. Calcutta. 1962.

8. Kaufmann, Walter : The ragas of North India. Sittingbourne. 1993. Asia Publishing. The British Library katalógusa

9. Lath, Mukund : A study of Dattilam : a treatise on the sacred music of ancient India. New Dehli. 1978. Impex India. The British Library katalógusa

10. Nijenhuis, Emmie te : The rāgas of Somanātha. Leiden. 1976. Brill. The British Library katalógusa

11. Pacholczyk, Józef Marcin : Ṣūfyāna mūsīqī: the classical music of Kashmir. Berlin. 1996. Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung. The British Library katalógusa Fővárosi Szabó Ervin Könyvtár Katalógusa

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17. Willard, N. Augustus : A Treatise on the Music of Hindustan. Calcutta. 1834. The British Library katalógusa

  • Tála

1. Deva, Bigamudre Chaitanya : Musical instruments of India : their history and development. New Delhi. 1987. Munshiram Mancharlal Publishers. The British Library katalógusa

2. Kothari, K. S. : Indian folk musical instruments. New Delhi. 1968. Sangeet Natak Akademi. The British Library katalógusa

3. Sachs, Curt : Die Musikinstrumente Indiens und Indonesiens. Berlin and Leipzig. 1923. The British Library katalógusa

Fővárosi szabó Ervin Könyvtár Katalógusa

  • Tabla

1. Archer, William George : Indian paintings from the Punjab hills. London. 1973. Oxford University Press. The British Library katalógusa

2. Bandyopadhyāy, Kṛṣṇadhan : Gītasūtrasār. Calcutta. 1975. A. Mukherji & Co. The British Library katalógusa

3. Day, Charles Russell : Music and musical instruments of Southern India and the Deccan. Delhi. 1974. B.R. Publishing Corporation. The British Library katalógusa

4. Gosvami, K. M. : Sangīt-sār. Calcutta. 1868.

5. Gottlieb, Robert S. : The major traditions of north Indian tabla drumming. München. 1977. Katzbichler. The British Library katalógusa

6. Neuman, D. M. : The Cultural Structure and Social Organisation of Musicians in India. diss. U. of Illinois, Urbana. 1974.

7. Śarmā, B. : Tāl Prakāś. Hathras. 1963.

8. Shepherd, F. : Tabla and the Benares Gharana. diss. Wesleyan U., 1976.

9. Strangways, A. H. Fox : The Music of Hindostan. New Delhi. 1975. Oriental Books Reprint Corporation. The British Library katalógusa Fővárosi szabó Ervin Könyvtár katalógusa

10. Tagore, Sourindro Mohun : Yantrakṣsetradīpikā. Calcutta. 1872.

11. Tagore, Sourindro Mohun : Hindu music from various authors. Calcutta. 1882. I. C. Bose. The British Library katalógusa

  • Videofelvételek

1. Indian classical music. Princeton, 1994. 2. Bhattacharya, Deben (dir.): Raga. 1992 3. South Asia, 2. 1988. (C3525)

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