Válogatott irodalom a venda zenéhez

  • Könyvek

1. Blacking, John : Venda children’s songs: A study in ethnomusicological analysis. Chicago. 1995. University of Chicago Press.

2. Blacking, John : How musical is man? Seattle. 1995. University of Washington Press.

3. Burnett-Van Tonder, C. : ‘n Choreologiese en danskundige ontleding van Venda-danse met enkele antropologiese perspektiewe. diss., U. of Stellenbosch

4. Burnett-Van Tonder, C. : Sosio-etniese danse van die Venda-vrou. Pretoria. 1987.

5. Kirby, Percival Robson : The musical instruments of the native races of South Africa. Johannesburg. 1968. Witwatersrand University Press.

6. Stayt, Hugh Arthur : The Bavenda. London. 1968. Cass.

  • Időszaki kiadványok

1. Blacking, John : ‘Problems of Pitch, Pattern and Harmony in the Ocarina Music of the Venda’. In : AfM, ii/2. 1959. 15–23. p.

2. Blacking, John : ‘Musical Expeditions of the Venda’. In : AfM, iii/1. 1962. 54–78. p.

3. Blacking, John : ‘The Role of Music in the Culture of the Venda’. In : Studies in Ethnomusicology, ed. M. Kolinski. New York. 1965. 20–53. p.

4. Blacking, John : ‘Initiation and the Balance of Power - the tshikanda Girls’ School of the Venda’. In : Government Ethnological Publications. Pretoria. 1969. no. 52. pg. 21

5. Blacking, John : ‘Songs, Dances, Mimes and Symbolism of Venda Girls’ Initiation Schools’. In : African Studies, xxviii. 1969. pg. 1–35, 69–118, 149–99, 215–66

6. Blacking, John : ‘Tonal Organization in the Music of Two Venda Initiation Schools’. In : EthM, xiv. 1970. pg. 1–56

7. Blacking, John : ‘Music and the Historical Process in Vendaland’. In : Essays on Music and History in Africa, ed. K. P. Wachsmann. Evanston, IL. 1971. pg. 185–212

8. Blacking, John : ‘The Value of Music in Human Experience’. In : YIFMC, i. 1971. pg. 33–71

9. Blacking, John : ‘Towards a Theory of Musical Competence’. In : Man: Anthropological Essays in Honour of O.F. Raum. Cape Town. 1971. 19–34. p.

10. Kirby, P. R. : ‘The Reed-Flute Ensembles of South Africa’. In : Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, lxiii. 1933. 313–88. p.

11. Kruger, J. : ‘The State of Venda Chordophones: 1983–84’. In : Symposium on Ethnomusicology V. Cape Town. 1984. 8–12 p.

12. Kruger, J. : ‘Introduction to the Social Context of Two Venda Communal Dances: Tshikona and Tshigombela’. In : Symposium on Ethnomusicology VII. Grahamstown. 1988. 28–31 p.

13. Kruger, J. : ‘Rediscovering the Venda Ground-Bow’. In : EthM, xxxiii. 1989. 391–404. p.

14. Kruger, J. : ‘Wada: a Sacred Venda Drum’. In : South African Journal of Musicology, xvi. 1996. 49–57. p.

15. Kruger, J. : ‘Singing Psalms with Owls: a Venda 20th-century Musical History, Part 1: Tshigombela’. In : Journal of African Music, vii/4. 1999. 122–46. p.

  • Kongresszusi kiadványok

1. Kruger, J. : ‘On the Contradictions of Artistic Experience in Venda Musical Culture’. In : Symposium on Ethnomusicology X. Grahamstown. 1991.

2. Kruger, J. : ‘Mitambo: Venda Traditional Dance Theatre’. In : Symposium on Ethnomusicology XV. 1997.

  • Disszertációk

Kruger, J. : A Cultural Analysis of Venda Guitar Songs. diss., Rhodes U.

  • Hangfelvételek

1. Musique traditionelle d'Afrique. Buda. (82460-2) 2. Namibie. Buda (92632-2) 3. Guinée. Nyamakala du Fouta Djallon. Buda (92530-2)

  • Videofelvételek:

1. Hale, Thomas: Griottes of the Sahel. 1991, University Park. 2. Knight, Roderic: Jali Nyama Suso. Kora player of the Gambia. Tivoli, 1992. 3. Knight, Roderic: Music of the Mande. Tivoli, 1992.

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